May 15, 2011

Last Day at Market.

All I can say is WOW!!!  We saw sooooo many really, really, neat, new things here in Utah.  We head back to Florida early tomorrow morning - pray there are no snow storms in Denver tomorrow!!

I took closer photos of some of the quilts on exhibit.  Someday I want to grow up to be a quilter like these quilters - amazing!!

 We got everything packed, some of it shipped and are ready to head for home.  See you in the shop on Tuesday and Wednesday, then I'm off on vacation with my hubby!

I posted some more photos on facebook too!  Thanks for all the great comments there!  Keep 6/11 (Saturday) open for a special event at the shop.  You won't want to miss it!


May 14, 2011

2nd Day in SLC - 1st day the "Market" is Open

Let's see if Blogger cooperates tonight!!!

We spent some time today in the booth that carries "Cuddle".  These were on the floor (yes, rugs) in their booth - too cool, or what??

Anyone recognize this guy???

Or how about this guy?

I will post the rest of the photos from today on Facebook.  Remember, you don't have to have a Facebook account to see any of the content on Crafty Threads Facebook page!! 

If you can't quite tell what is in a photo - don't worry, we are planning an "after market" review in the shop.  We will showcase samples of some of the FANTASTIC things we've purchased at market.  So far, we have only seen about half the booths, so tons of more walking tomorrow.

I mentioned on the video that I thought the aisles started at 700 or 800 with 2800 being the last aisle - well, I was wrong - it starts at 100!!!!  That means 28 aisles of vendor booths - Woo Hoo!!!!

Gotta go rest up for tomorrow!

Miss you all, but we are having a BLAST!